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Bryan Schwartz

Bryan Schwartz

Bryan Schwartz

Un licenciado inteligente y tenaz, Bryan Schwartz ha representado los intereses de sus clientes ante varios órganosjurídicos, del Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos, a los Tribunales de Apelaciones de los Estados Unidos; de los Tribunales Superiores de California, al Tribunal Superior de California; de la Comisión para la Igualdad de Oportunidades en el Empleo, al Merit Systems Protection Board; delDepartamento del Trabajo de Los Estados Unidos, a arbitraje laboral ante la American Arbitration Association y otras organizaciones. El licenciado Schwartz ha ayudado a muchos clientes agradecidos para que pudieran reanudar sus carreras después de que empleadores inescrupulosos las han descarrilado, obteniendo millones de dólares en recuperaciones para empleados a través del país.

Los esfuerzos del licenciado Schwartz en defensa de los delatores de irregularidades y víctimas de discriminación se han publicado a nivel mundial, del The Washington Post al The Wall Street Journal, del National Public Radio al MSNBC, del Voice of America al Hindustani Times de la India. El licenciado Schwartz ha desarrollado una especialización en las denuncias particulares de los empleados federales y ha tomado el liderazgo en casos de demanda colectiva con varios demandantes sobre horas extras y otras violaciones de salario bajo las leyes estatales y federales a través de Los Estados Unidos.

Antes de fundar su propio despacho, el licenciado Schwartz dirigió la oficina de Nichols Kaster, LLP en San Francisco, California. Previamente, el licenciado Schwartz ejercía con la oficina de Passman y Kaplan, PC en Washington D.C. y fue un asistentejurídico para el Honorable Franklin Van Antwerpen, quien actualmente es un alto miembro del Tribunal Federal de Apelaciones del Tercer Circuito.

El licenciado Schwartz es un miembro del State Bar of California’s Labor and Employment Law Section Executive Committee. Es Presidente de FAIR, una organización no lucrativa dedicada a incrementar la diversidad de abogados que se especializan en representar demandantes en el área de derecho laboral. Es un miembro de la Asociación de Abogados Laborales de California, y da conferencias con regularidad en el Centro de la Ley de Empleo.

El licenciado Schwartz ha presidido la reunión anual de los 7200 miembros de la Sección de Ley de Trabajo y Empleo de la Conferencia de Sueldo y Hora del Colegio de Abogados de California. Ha sido elegido para presidir la Sección de Ley de Trabajo y Empleo de CELA. Ha ayudado a establecer la Beca para Justicia del Empleado, para ayudar estudiantes de leyes de cualquier procedencia para incorporarse al ejercicio de representar trabajadores, y la Reunion Cumbre sobre Diversidad anual de CELA, en la cual cientos de abogados de trabajo y empleo se reúnen a discutir como desarrollar oportunidades de liderazgo para un grupo de abogados diversos en ese campo, y para superar prejuicios en la profesión. El licenciado Schwartz participó en varios casos decisivos como amicus curiae en favor de CELAante el Tribunal Superior de California incluyendo Brinker Restaurant Corp. v. Superior Court, Kirby v. Immoos Fire Protection, y Duran v. US Bank.

El licenciado Schwartz es uno de los oradores y escritores mas prolíficos en California acerca de ley del empleo. El ha hecho presentaciones continuamente con el Colegio de Abogados del Estado, la Asociación Nacional de Abogados de Empleo, CELA, y en muchos otros lugares, desde el programa de NPR “Your Legal Rights”, hasta la Comisión en Derechos del los Discapacitados del ABA, JAMS (el proveedor de arbitraje y mediación). Sus artículos han sido publicados en el California Labor and Employment Law Review, Plaintiff Magazine, y otros medios. El Blog del Bufete, es una fuente de información para juristas, abogados, y trabajadores a nivel nacional.

Cuando era muy joven, el licenciado Schwartz fue elegido Vicepresidente del gobierno estudiantil del B’nai B’rith de Cornell University en Nueva York. Después de graduarse de Cornell, y antes de estudiar leyes en University of California, el licenciado Schwartz fue un investigador federal (bilingüe- español) para La Comisión para la Igualdad de Oportunidades de Empleo, un director de campaña, y un maestro en Costa Rica. Además, el licenciado Schwartz es periodista gráfico y ha viajado a 46 países en cinco continentes y es presidente de la organización, Scattered Among the Nations. El licenciado Schwartz fue el Presidente mas reciente Presidente de Templo Beth Abraham en Oakland, California.

Experiencia Personal

  • California Supreme Court

  • District of Columbia Court of Appeals

  • United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

  • United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit

  • United States District Court for the Northern District of California

  • United States District Court for the Central District of California

  • United States District Court for the Eastern District of California

  • United States District Court for the Southern District of California

  • United States District Court for the District of Columbia

  • Mr. Schwartz has also been admitted by special permission (pro hac vice) in many District Courts nationwide.

  • United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit

  • J.D. 2000, Berkeley Law, University of California at Berkeley
    B.A. 1994, Cornell University, magna cum laude
  • Alameda’s Open Government Commission – Past Chair
  • California Lawyers Association (formerly State Bar of California) Labor & Employment Law Section – Past Chair
  • California Employment Lawyers Association – former Executive Board Member
  • Foundation for Advocacy Inclusion & Resources – Board Member, Past President
  • Legal Aid at Work (formerly Legal Aid Society – Employment Law Center)Board of Directors, Member
  • National Employment Lawyers Association Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee, Past Member
  • Alameda Boys & Girls Club, Board of Directors, Member
Presentaciones Como Orador
  • Próximamente: Conferencia del Centro Berkeley sobre Igualdad Comparada y Derecho Antidiscriminación, “Discapacidad y acoso/violencia sexual“, presentador (23 de enero de 2025)
  • California Lawyers Association Advanced Wage and Hour Conference, “Wage and Hour Ethics,” Presenter (July 19, 2024)
  • Upcoming: National Employment Lawyers Association, Representing Federal and Public Employees Seminar, “Maximizing Remedies: Damages,  Equitable Relief,  and Attorney Fees in Federal Sector Cases,” Speaker (April 5, 2024)
  • American University, School of International Service, “International Day of Persons with Disabilities: Mainstreaming Disability into International Development Programs,”  Speaker (December 4, 2023)
  • Nova Law School, Lisbon, Portugal, “Intensive Program in Anti-Discrimination Law: Discrimination Cases Under U.S. Law,” Lecturer (October 25, 2023)
  • California Employment Lawyers Association 36th Annual Employment Law Conference, “Consejos y herramientas para profesionales para probar y ganar casos generalizados de discriminación de múltiples demandantes” ( September 29, 2023)
  • University of Alabama Law School, “Protección de los derechos de los trabajadores federales y los denunciantes” ( March 22, 2023)
  • PRÓXIMO: National Employment Lawyers Association, Annual Convention, “Identifying and Overcoming Biases,” Moderator/Panelist (July 2, 2022)
  • ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law, 15th Annual Conference, “Diversity in Perspectives: Views from the Bench, General Counsel, Law Firm Partnerships, High-Ranking Government Officials and the C-Suite,“ Panelist (November 13, 2021)
  • California Employment Lawyers Association, Annual Conference Diversity Luncheon, “We Hold the Key to Building a Diverse Community,“ Speaker (November 5, 2021)
  • California Employment Lawyers Association Annual Conference, “ Taking Critical Depositions During a Pandemic: Best Practices and Tactics in Sexual Harassment, Disability Discrimination and Whistleblower Retaliation Cases,“Panelist (October 15, 2020)
  • CEB Webinar, “Whistleblower Protections,“ (September 22, 2020)
  • Strafford Webinar, “Class Action Settlement Mediation,” (August 12, 2020)
  • Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law Seminar, U.C. Berkeley School of Law, “Taking on Goliath: Fighting Discrimination Through Employment Law,“ (September 26, 2019)
  • 9th Annual Advanced Wage and Hour Conference of the California Lawyers Association, “Wage and Hour Ethics: Paydirt Gameshow,” Host (July 18, 2019)
  • National Employment Lawyers Association, Annual Wage & Hour Seminar, “Understanding & Preparing To Address Unique And Current Defense Strategies“ (April 12, 2019)
  • California Lawyers Association, New Lawyers Conference, “The Nuts and Bolts of Arbitration and Mediation“ (February 21, 2019)
  • UC Berkeley School of Law, Wage & Hour Law, “The Importance of Joint Employer Liability,“ Guest Lecturer (January 14, 2019)
  • Alameda County Bar Association’s Annual Employment Law Symposium,  “Valuing Cases” Panelist, (October 26, 2018)
  • California Employment Lawyers Association Annual Conference, “Member Victories,»Panelist (October 12, 2018)
  • The Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law, Workers’ Rights Evening, Speaker, (September 14, 2018)
  • California Lawyers Association, Labor & Employment Law Section, Eighth Annual Advanced Wage and Hour Seminar, “Hottest Topics in PAGA Litigation and Arbitration,“ Moderator/Speaker (July 12, 2018)
  • California Employment Lawyers Association, “Effective Intake,” Speaker (June 8, 2018)
  • California Lawyers Association, Labor & Employment Law Section, “What Does Dynamex Mean for California Employers and Workers?,” Webinar Moderator (May 9, 2018)
  • 2018 Impact Fund, 16th Annual Class Action Conference, “Class Action Settlement Ethics,”  Moderator/Panelist (February 16, 2018)
  • 2018 California Lawyers Association (formerly State Bar of California Labor & Employment Law Section), Immigration and Employment Summit: Current Issues in the Trump Era, Conference Co-Chair, “Immigration and Employment Law – an Update on the Latest Developments,“ Panel Moderator (January 25, 2018)
  • California Lawyers Association, “Gender Bias Issues in the Court System,“ Moderator (January 24, 2018)2017 State Bar of California Advanced Wage and Hour Seminar,Wage and Hour Trivia Luncheon, Host (July 2017)
  • California Employment Lawyers Association, 2017 NorCal Summer Law Clerk Orientation, “Legal Writing,“ Speaker (June 2017)
  • 2017 National Employment Lawyers Association Wage & Hour Seminar, Litigating Wage & Hour Cases: Challenges & Opportunities, “How to Settle Without Settling,“ Panelist (April 2017)
  • The State Bar of California,The Challenge of Fair Employment in a Pluralistic Democracy: Comparing Israel’s and California’s Laws, Moderator (November 16, 2016)
  • UC Berkeley School of Law, Small, Midsize & Boutique Law Firm Panel, Speaker (September 26, 2016)
  • 2016 State Bar Labor and Employment Law Section Annual Meeting, “Happy Lawyering: a Discussion with Prof. Deborah Rhode,” Moderator (April 2016)
  • 2016 Impact Fund, 14th Annual Class Action Conference, “Class Action Settlement Ethics,”  Moderator/Panelist (February 2016)
  • 2015 State Bar of California Advanced Wage and Hour Seminar,Wage and Hour Trivia Luncheon, Host (July 2015)
  • 2015 CEB San Francisco Seminar, “Whistleblower Law: Views from the Inside,“ Speaker (June 2015)
  • 2014 State Bar of California Labor and Employment Law Section Trial Demonstration Seminar, “Litigating a Disability Discrimination Case,“ Conference Chair (November 2014)
  • JAMS San Francisco Seminar, “Updates on the Legal Landscape of Wage & Hour Cases and the Increasing Focus on PAGA,“ Speaker (November 2014)
  • 2014 National Employment Lawyers Association Federal Sector Conference, “Representing Federal Employees: Navigating A Complex Landscape,“ Steering Committee Member, and “EEOC Class Actions,“ Moderator/Panelist (October 2014)
  • JAMS San Francisco Seminar, “Resolving Wage & Hour Mass Actions: The ever-changing landscape,“ Speaker (May 2014)
  • 2014 State Bar of California Labor and Employment Law Section Annual Meeting, “Economic Realities Test and Martinez v. Combs –Determining Who the Employer Is Under FLSA and California Law,“ Speaker (April 2014)
  • ABA Commission on Disability Rights, 4th National Disability Rights Law Conference: Breaking Down Barriers to Employment and Education, “Are you Screening for Disabilities?“ Speaker (April 2014)
  • 2014 California Employment Lawyers Association Annual Wage and Hour Conference, “Emerging Trends in Wage and Hour Class Actions,“ Speaker (April 2014)
  • Impact Fund, 12th Annual Class Action Conference, “Class Action Settlement Issues“ Moderator / Panelist (February 2014)
  • Temple Beth Abraham Panel Discussion, “The Crisis of Labor and Sex Trafficking: Legal and Community Action,“ Moderator (February 2014)
  • 2014 California Employment Lawyers Association Seminar, “Marketing Your Law Practice,“ Panelist (February 2014)
  • 2013 UC Berkeley (Boalt Hall) School of Law, Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Law Panel, “Careers in Labor and Employment Law,“ Moderator (November 2013)
  • National Public Radio, KALW San Francisco 91.7 FM “Employment Law — ADA Issues in the Workplace,“Speaker (November 6, 2013)
  • San Francisco Trial Lawyers Association, “Top 5 Discovery Motions,“ Panelist (August 2013)
  • 2013 State Bar of California’s Third Annual Advanced Wage and Hour Conference, “Wage Claims Against Insolvent Defendants: Litigating and Settling Actions Worth More than the Defendants,“ Steering Committee Member/Moderator (July 2013)
  • 2013 California Employment Lawyers Association Diversity Summit, “Diversity in the Employment Bar: Overcoming Bias,“ Steering Committee Member/Moderator (June 2013)
  • 2013 State Bar of California New Lawyers Conference, “Nuts & Bolts of an Employment Practice – for New Employment Lawyers,“ Faculty Member (January 2013)
  • 2012 State Bar of California Labor and Employment Law Section Annual Meeting, Chair (November 2012)
  • 2012 State Bar of California Labor and Employment Law Section Annual Meeting, “Litigating a Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) Case,“ Moderator (November 2012)
  • 2012 State Bar of California Labor and Employment Law Section Annual Meeting, “Wage and Hour Litigation 101,“ Moderator (November 2012)
  • “The Future of Wage and Hour Class Actions,“ Panelist (October 2012) 2012 California Employment Lawyers Association Annual Conference
  • 2012 State Bar of California’s Second Annual Advanced Wage & Hour Conference, Chair (July 2012)
  • 2012 State Bar of California’s Second Annual Advanced Wage & Hour Conference, “Wage and Hour Class Arbitration Issues Post-Concepcion and Stolt-Nielsen,“ Moderator (July 2012)
  • California Employment Lawyers Association, 2012 NorCal Summer Law Clerk Orientation, “Law and Motion Practice,“ Speaker (June 2012)
  • National Public Radio, KALW San Francisco 91.7 FM “Your Legal Rights: a Discussion on Employees’ Rights on Computers at Work,“ Speaker (June 13, 2012)
  • 2012 California Employment Lawyers Association’s Northern California Diversity Summit, Chair (May 2012)
  • Winston & Strawn’s eLunch Briefing, “Brinker, Kirby, Duran, Concepcion, and Dukes — What’s Next for Wage and Hour Class Actions — a Plaintiff’s and Defense Counsel Perspective,“ Speaker (May 2012) (Click here to listen)
  • 2011 California Employment Lawyers Association Annual Conference, “How to Increase Diversity in the Plaintiffs’ Employment Bar,“ Diversity Luncheon Speaker (October 2011)
  • 2011 State Bar of California Labor and Employment Law Section, Annual Meeting, “Nuts and Bolts of a Successful Plaintiffs’ Practice,“ Moderator (October 2011)
  • 2011 Willamette University College of Law (Salem, Oregon),“Seeking Social Justice Through Administrative Law,“ Speaker (October 2011)
  • 2011 State Bar of California Labor and Employment Law Section, First Annual Wage & Hour Conference, “Wage and Hour Litigation After ATT Mobility v. Concepcion,“ Co-Chair (July 2011)
  • 2011 California Employment Lawyers Association, Litigation Basics Seminar, Chair and Presenter (June 2011)
  • National Public Radio, KALW San Francisco 91.7 FM “Your Legal Rights: a Debate on the ATT Mobility v. ConcepcionSupreme Court Decision, and How it Affects Your Rights in the Workplace,“ Speaker (May 4, 2011)
  • 2011 Golden Gate University School of Law, “Discovery Challenges,“ Panelist (April 2011)
  • 2011 UC Berkeley (Boalt Hall) School of Law, Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Lawand California Employment Lawyers Association Panel, “Careers in Employment Law,“ Moderator (March 2011)
  • 2010 State Bar of California Labor and Employment Law Section Annual Meeting, “Strategically Positioning Your Disability Discrimination Case for Trial,“ Co-Chair / Moderator (October 2010)
  • 2010 National Employment Lawyers Association Convention, “How to Create & Grow Your Solo Legal Practice,“ Panelist (June 2010)
  • 2010 State Bar of California Labor and Employment Law Section Public Sector Conference, “The First Amendment in the Public Sector: Do Privacy and Free Speech Still Exist?“ Moderator (May 2010)
  • SCORE (Counselors of America’s Small Business Owners, a partner of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA)) Meeting, “How to Avoid Hearing From Someone Like Me – Tips for Small Businesses From a Plaintiffs’ Employment Lawyer,“ Speaker (December 2009)
  • 2009 UC Berkeley (Boalt Hall) School of Law, Berkeley Journal of Employment and Labor Lawand California Employment Lawyers Association Panel, “Hot Topics and Recent Victories in the California Employment Law Plaintiffs’ Bar,“ Moderator (November 2009)
  • 2009 State Bar of California Labor and Employment Annual Meeting, “Gaze Into Our Crystal Ball as We Reveal Labor and Employment Trends for the Future,“ Moderator (June 2009)
  • 2009 UC Hastings Women’s Law Journal Symposium, Ongoing Struggles for Economic Equality: Challenges Faced by Women and Marginalized Communities,“Low-Wage Workers in the Economic Crisis,“ Panelist (February 2009)
  • 2008 National Employment Lawyers Association Convention, “Advanced Strategic Thinking in Whistleblower Cases,“ Panelist (June 2008)
  • 2007 National Employment Lawyers Association Conference, Representing Workers in Individual and Collective Actions Under the FLSA, “Encouraging Wage & Hour Actions Against State & Local Public Employers,“ Panelist (October 2007)
  • 2007 San Francisco Hillel Business and Law Mentorship Program, “Don’t Sell Out: Keeping Jewish Values in Your Career and Life,“ Keynote Speaker (February 2007)


  • National Employment Lawyers Association Diversity Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee
  • California Employment Lawyers Association
  • California Lawyers Association, Labor & Employment Law Section
  • Spanish (fluent)

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