This is a personal appeal from Bryan Schwartz, the principal of Bryan Schwartz Law, P.C.:
I’m writing this to you as a friend.
We all know Trump is a hotheaded, bigoted liar who has throughout his life exhibited a willingness to say or do anything that might get him some attention – even run for President without having ever spent a day of his life in public service. He has pledged to build a wall along our border, to round up and deport 11 million, and to end religious freedom for Muslims. We know that even his candidacy is a disgrace to the United States and that, if there is any justice or decency in this country, he will be trounced on November 8th.
First things first – Trump is not being trounced. In current polls nationally, he is within 3-4 percentage points of the former Secretary of State, Senator, and First Lady, Hillary Clinton, in the presidential race, and all the polls lead to the conclusion that the race is tightening. Our preeminent statistics journalist, Nate Silver, reports that “many voters — close to 20 percent — either say they’re undecided or that they plan to vote for third-party candidates. At a comparable point four years ago, only 5 to 10 percent of voters fell into those categories.” (
But, what can we do about it? Most of us don’t live in swing states, the election will be decided by hundreds of millions of dollars – not our measly thousands – and besides, we’re very busy people. We’ve got our stressful jobs, and our family stuff – taking the kids to practice, getting them to school, helping with homework -and then there’s the volunteering we’re already doing with other good organizations, and just living life – catching a ballgame, having a glass of wine. We plan to vote, but otherwise, aren’t sure what we can really do.
Elie Wiesel just died. The timing is spooky. Thirty years ago in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech (http://www.
Trump is not urging genocide yet, but that does not permit us to stand by and be Trump’s accomplices. It is simply not enough to believe he is a wrong-headed demagogue and to exercise a single vote against him. We, the empowered, must act more forcefully. If we don’t, and he wins, and begins the terrible downward spiral of our democracy that he has promised, it is not because of them. It is because of our own inaction. I always wondered what Americans did while the Holocaust was beginning in Europe, while stories emerged of Hitler’s atrocities. Most did not agree with Hitler – but they were busy with their lives, and did not mount a groundswell to stop him while they could, until it was too late for many millions.
Here are five things we can do, even as busy people, to defeat Trump, that I am doing with my family between now and November 8th. Join us – I will buy you dinner if you are my friend and let me know you are working with us!
(1) Visit a swing state. I am taking my family to Reno, Nevada, twice between now and Election Day – the weekend of October 8-10 (Columbus Day weekend) and November 7-8 (the day before Election Day and Election Day). Face-to-face canvassing is the most effective campaign work. There is work to be done walking blocks, entering data, organizing volunteers, driving people to the polls, and otherwise ensuring that Nevada’s six electoral votes do not go for Trump. Busses of volunteers go from the Bay Area every Saturday to Nevada to help. Roundtrip tickets on Southwest from Oakland, non-stop, are less than $80. Clinton only leads in current polls by about 2 points in Nevada. Washoe County – where Reno is – is the bellwether county of the bellwether state of Nevada, a state which has predicted the presidency in all but one election over the last 100+ years. Email me and I will plug you into the Nevada grassroots campaign. For anyone who joins us November 8th all day, if you are a friend and let me know you are working with us, I will buy you dinner in Reno, after the polls close.
(2) Protect the polls. Attorneys and legal professionals, in particular, can volunteer to do voter protection. I am hosting an event in my office at 6 p.m. on October 6th (1330 Broadway, Suite 1630) if you want to be trained as a poll watcher in Nevada. Again, if you are a friend and let me know you are working with us, I will buy you dinner on November 8th if you come to do voter protection.
(3) Get one new person to vote against Trump (or for Clinton). Have the tough conversation with a conservative relative or friend. Whatever will resonate – Trump has filed bankruptcy four times, leaving hardworking building contractors and others holding the bag, and won’t release his taxes. He insulted the Pope and had five children with three women. He started a fake university that stole students’ money and gave out bogus degrees. He ships jobs overseas and makes Trump products in China. He scoffs at veterans and the parents of fallen soldiers. Do you know one single person, in your entire universe, especially one in a swing state, who you fear might be voting for Trump? Have a tough heart-to-heart.
(4) Send a call to action to your friends. I am doing this. You can do this, too. If 100 of my friends contact 100 of their friends (and 50 of them don’t overlap), and they each do the same – we can activate thousands of people of conscience, looking for a way to make an impact, but feeling helpless.
(5) Max. out. I have given $2,700 to defeat Trump: https://www.hillaryclinton.
Match this. Maybe it is a lot for an ordinary middle-class or upper middle-class person. But Trump has billions and just had the best fundraising month of his campaign. If you can’t give this much, or you can give more (divided among the campaign, the DNC, and other organizations), then max. out the way you can. If you want to see who usually wins elections, follow the money. (http://www.huffingtonpost.
Talking to friends (live or on Facebook) and bemoaning Trump’s antics is not enough. Don’t feel helpless. Do something. Defeat Trump. If everyone who feels like we do, does what we do, then he will lose.
As Elie Wiesel said, concluding his Nobel acceptance speech: “Our lives no longer belong to us alone; they belong to all those who need us desperately.” America is a great country where we have thrived, and she and her future generations need us desperately now.
I hope you will join me.
Bryan Schwartz
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