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Employees’ Rights on Computers in the Workplace

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Employees’ Rights on Computers in the Workplace

Employees’ Rights on Computers in the Workplace

Bryan Schwartz Law, P.C.’s principal, Bryan Schwartz, appeared on National Public Radio’s show, “Your Legal Rights,” on June 13, 2012, discussing employees’ rights with respect to computers at work – and ways they should be cautious, to avoid workplace troubles. Mr. Schwartz’s appearance, with Jonathan Wong of Donahue Gallagher, and the show’s host, Chuck Finney, is available here. Some subjects covered include computer-related discipline/terminations (e.g., email etiquette-based actions), issues relating to privacy and attorney-client privilege, and how free speech issues interplay with workplace computer issues, especially for public employees. If you have questions about issues relating to computer and Internet usage, that relate to your job, contact Bryan Schwartz Law, P.C. today.

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